UTRC — Universal Tokamak Reactor Calculator


UTRC Designed by Steven B. Krivit (Updated Dec. 10, 2022)

This approximation tool does not attempt to account for granular differences, details, and variables that will exist among reactor designs. Instead, this tool should be considered a back-of-the-envelope calculator to quickly and easily assess and compare potential fusion reactor outputs and gain values. If you provide values for the three fields in blue, the tool will auto-calculate. Alternatively, click on one of the reactor designs. Source references and notes for the reactor designs are at the bottom of the page.

   Efficiency of Heating Systems [1]
   Calculated Electrical Power Needed for Heating Systems
   Calculated Neutron Power Thermal Output (80% of Fusion Power)
   Blanket multiplier [1]
   Calculated Additional Blanket Thermal Power
   Calculated Thermal Power of 4He (20% of Fusion Power)
   Percent of 4He Power Recovered from Divertor or First Wall [2]
   Calculated 4He Power Recovered from Divertor or First Wall
   Efficiency of Converting Heat to Electricity [1] [3]  
   Calculated Total Electrical Power Produced      
General Notes:
  1. Generally accepted values.
  2. Some disagreement exists as to how much of the 4He energy will exit through the divertor.
  3. Different systems in a given reactor may have different thermal-to-electric conversion efficiencies.


Click here to go to Technical References for Steven B. Krivit’s JET and ITER Power Investigation.

Notes: The reactor is not designed to produce electricity, thus the equivalent net electric output and equivalent Qeng is shown.


Federicia, C. Bachmann, L. Barucca, W. Biel, L. Boccaccini, R. Brown, C. Bustreo, S. Ciattaglia, F. Cismondi, M. Coleman, Loving, F. Maviglia, B. Meszaros, G. Pintsuk, N. Taylor, M.Q. Tran, C. Vorpahl, R. Wenninger, J.H. You, “DEMO Design Activity in Europe: Progress and Updates,” Fusion Engineering and Design, 136 (A) November 2018, Pages 729-741, and communication with H. Zohm.

PPPL Pilot Plant

Menard, Jonathan E., Grierson, B.A., Brown, T., Rana , C., Zhai, Y., Poli, F.M., Maingi, R., Guttenfelder, W.,  and Snyder, P.B.,”Fusion Pilot Plant Performance And The Role Of A Sustained High Power Density Tokamak,” (2022) Nuclear Fusion 62 036026, and communication with J. Menard.



  1. Scales are based on graphs in J.E. Menard et al (2016) Nuclear Fusion 56 106023
  2. JET Q-values based on N. Holloway e-mail to S. Krivit, Dec. 1, 2014
  3. PPPL Q-values based on Menard, Jonathan E., Grierson, B.A., Brown, T., Rana , C., Zhai, Y., Poli, F.M., Maingi, R., Guttenfelder, W., and Snyder, P.B.,”Fusion Pilot Plant Performance And The Role Of A Sustained High Power Density Tokamak,” (2022) Nuclear Fusion 62 036026, and communication with J. Menard.
  4. ARC Q-values from B.N. Sorbom, J.Ball, T.R. Palmer, F.J. Mangiarotti, J.M.Sierchio P. Bonoli, C. Kasten, D.A. Sutherland, H.S. Barnard, C.B. Haakonsen, J. Goh, C. Sung, D.G. Whyte, “ARC: A Compact, High-Field, Fusion Nuclear Science Facility And Demonstration Power Plant With Demountable Magnets,”Fusion Engineering and Design, 100, November 2015, Pages 378-405 (See also calculation to include BOP.)
  5. Click here to go to Technical References for Steven B. Krivit’s JET and ITER Power Investigation.
  6. EU DEMO Q-values based on G. Federicia, C. Bachmann, L. Barucca, W. Biel, L. Boccaccini, R. Brown, C. Bustreo, S. Ciattaglia, F. Cismondi, M. Coleman, Loving, F. Maviglia, B. Meszaros, G. Pintsuk, N. Taylor, M.Q. Tran, C. Vorpahl, R. Wenninger, J.H. You, “DEMO Design Activity in Europe: Progress and Updates,” Fusion Engineering and Design, 136 (A) November 2018, Pages 729-741, and communication with H. Zohm.
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