Apr 282020

April 28, 2020
By Steven B. Krivit

Return to ITER Power Facts Main Page

The proponents of ITER, the publicly funded International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, claim the device is the way to a future of virtually limitless carbon-free energy from nuclear fusion.

ITER is designed to accomplish a scientifically significant result, the production of particles from nuclear fusion that have a total of 500 million Watts of power. If it succeeds, that result will also show that the reactor can produce the same amount of overall power that it consumes. In other words, it would demonstrate a net overall reactor output of zero Watts. However, ITER was universally misunderstood by the public, news media, and government officials as an overall reactor system that would produce a potentially usable thermal power output of 500 million Watts. How did this misunderstanding happen?

The misunderstanding is the result of a long-standing pattern of poor communication by fusion representatives. It began at least by 1978, when Anne Davies, the chief of the Tokamak Systems Branch in the U.S. Department of Energy spoke with journalist Edward Edelson, writing for Popular Science, about the forthcoming Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory.

After she spoke with Edelson, he wrote that the overall TFTR reactor was designed to get out at least as much energy as was put into the reactor, and possibly more. With an output of fusion particles with 10 million Watts and an electrical input of 950 million Watts, nothing could have been further from truth. The mistake happened because Davies a) didn’t tell Edelson how much overall power the machine would require and b) she led him to believe that the overall input power was going to encompass only the thermal power used to heat the fuel. The fuel, forms of hydrogen called deuterium and tritium, when heated to millions of degrees, become a fusion plasma.

I spoke with Davies in 2018 and asked her about the error in the Popular Science article. (Link to interview) She said “I either assumed the reporter understood what I meant or I actually explained it and he left it out, perhaps to shorten the article.” Two other journalists, after speaking with Davies in 1992 and 2003, came away with the same misunderstanding.

In the 1990s, fusion representatives including Davies told members of Congress that state-of-the-art fusion reactors had produced millions of Watts of power, but only for a few seconds. The Congressional record shows that fusion representatives spoke about TFTR and, by their use of specific language and their omission of specific facts, created the impression that the TFTR reactor produced a net, rather than gross output of 10 million Watts from the fusion reactions. The practical limitation, they explained, was that the reactions lasted only a few seconds or minutes. During testimony, nobody explained that the 10 MW was, in fact, a gross output value. Nobody explained that TFTR was designed to consume 950 MW of electrical power.

The Congressional witnesses during that testimony spoke about ITER in the same way, creating the impression that the projected 500 megawatt output would be a net output value when, in fact, it is designed to be a gross output value. Nobody explained that ITER was designed to consume a minimum of 300 megawatts of electrical power.

Around 2007, fusion representatives shifted the ITER messaging slightly and began introducing an input power value. They began saying that according to the ITER design, the reactor would consume only 50 MW of power. But this was not true.

This pattern of poor communication by fusion representatives took place for four decades. For the last two decades, the promotions by the fusion representatives created the widespread false impression that the ITER reactor is designed to a) consume only 50 megawatts of power, b) produce 500 megawatts of power, c) demonstrate that a fusion reactor can produce 10 times the power it uses, and d) demonstrate that a fusion reactor can produce power equivalent to that of a small conventional power plant.

Soon after I uncovered and published the previously undisclosed power facts about the ITER reactor in my October 2017 investigation, fusion organizations around the world began, one by one, to make corrections to their public claims.

My sources were three independent fusion experts: Daniel Jassby, a former principal research physicist at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory; Hartmut Zohm, the head of the Tokamak Scenario Development Division at the Max-Planck-Institute of Plasma Physics; and Steven Cowley, the current director of the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory and former chief executive officer of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority.

After I published my investigation, Zohm told me about the Japanese JT-60SA project Web site which confirms that “ITER is about equivalent to a zero (net) power reactor.”(Archive copy)

Nick Holloway, the media manager for the U.K. Atomic Energy Authority and Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, later added this to the UKAEA Web site: “ITER should produce about as much fusion power as the electricity required to run the entire plant.” (Archive copy)

The correct power values are defined in the 2002 International Atomic Energy Agency design specification for ITER. But when fusion representatives told people the objectives of ITER, they omitted essential details as well as their unique definition of “fusion power.”

The design specification for ITER provides a power value that applies only to the plasma. The value has nothing to do with the overall reactor power production or overall reactor power consumption. Until recently, fusion scientists did not explain this clearly to the public.

Until recently, fusion scientists also did not explain that the much-publicized input power value of 50 MW excluded the majority of input power required to operated the ITER reactor. Also, they had not disclosed that the 500 MW output power value did not account for the 300 megawatts that will be consumed by the reactor. Nor did they disclose that the reactor would briefly need 400 megawatts of electricity to start the reaction.

Additionally, the publicized input power value of 50 megawatts had been depicted incorrectly because fusion representatives had failed to make another key distinction publicly. According to the ITER design specification, the amount of thermal power that reaches the inside of the chamber to heat the fuel is designed to be 50 MW. (A few sources say that the injected thermal power will be slightly higher.) However, the amount of electrical power consumed to create that 50 MW heating power will be 150 MW, or even higher.

None of this had been communicated clearly by ITER representatives during the past two decades. Instead, as evidenced by nearly all examples, including reports from the most authoritative news sources, encyclopedias, European Union government documents, a White House press release, U.S. Congressional records, and documents published by ITER contractors for their investors, the international fusion community created the false impression that the ITER reactor should produce 10 times the power it consumes.

The communication failure about the results of ITER’s predecessor, the Joint European Torus (JET) fusion reactor, and about the purpose and design of ITER comprised three primary elements:

1. Double Meaning of “Fusion Power”
Fusion experts did not tell people that there is a second meaning for the phrase “fusion power.” The first meaning, which most people did understand, is the amount of potentially usable (net) thermal power that would be produced by a fusion reactor. The second meaning of “fusion power,” which most people did not understand, is the gross thermal value of the particles produced in fusion reactions, irrespective of any input power.

2. Real Meaning of Input Power
Fusion experts did not explain that, when they normally discuss fusion reactor input power, they are referring only to thermal power injected into the plasma, not the required input power for the overall reactor, or even the required input power for the heating systems.

3. Hidden Overall Electrical Input Power
Fusion experts did not reveal the actual total input power required for each of the reactors. Before 2015, no Internet Web page disclosed the correct total power consumed by JET. Before 2019, only the Japanese fusion team’s Web site transparently stated the expected overall power balance for ITER.

Collectively, these three communication elements caused non-experts to incorrectly believe that the total electrical input power consumed by JET was 24 MW and that the overall JET reactor made almost as much power as it consumed. In reality, the total electrical input power consumed by JET was 700 MW. JET lost 98% of the power it used. In many cases, the fusion community explicitly claimed that the total input power used to produce JET’s 16 MW result was only 24 MW. With the establishment, years ago, of the false perception that JET made almost as much overall power as it consumed, the claim that the ITER reactor could demonstrate a tenfold power gain seemed reasonable to the lay public.

REDDIT comment posted by user nhillson. Fusion proponents caused people who were not experts in fusion to believe that JET had produced 70% of the power it consumed and the proponents therefore created the reasonable expectation that ITER could produce ten times the power it would consume.

REDDIT comment posted by user nhillson. Fusion proponents caused people who were not experts in fusion to believe that JET had produced 70% of the power it consumed and the proponents therefore created the reasonable expectation that ITER could produce ten times the power it would consume.

 Fusion proponents caused attorneys writing for The National Law Review to believe that JET had produced 70% of the power it had consumed, producing fusion reactions with 16 MW of heat from 25 MW of electricity. It actually used 700 25 MW of electricity. After I contacted the authors, they did not respond. After I contacted NLR Managing Director Jennifer B. Schaller, she took the article down for a month and put it up later without the false JET claim.

Fusion proponents caused attorneys writing for The National Law Review to believe that JET had produced 70% of the power it had consumed, producing fusion reactions with 16 MW of heat from 25 MW of electricity. It actually used 700 25 MW of electricity. After I contacted the authors, they did not respond. After I contacted NLR Managing Director Jennifer B. Schaller, she took the article down for a month and put it up later without the false JET claim. (Before) (During) (After)

Collectively, these three communication elements caused non-experts to incorrectly believe that the total input power for ITER is designed to be 50 MW and that the overall reactor is designed to make 500 MW, 10 times more power than it will consume. In many cases, the fusion community explicitly claimed that ITER would produce power on the same scale as a small working power station. In reality, if the ITER design succeeds, 300 MW of electricity will go into the overall reactor and the equivalent of 214 MW of electricity will come out of the overall reactor from the emitted neutrons, a loss of 86 MW.

I published the results of my investigation and the previously undisclosed power facts about the ITER reactor in October 2017. (See Timeline) A month later, the ITER organization corrected some of its false claims. Two months later, the organization issued a press release. Although it avoided claiming that the reactor would produce 500 MW of power, it claimed that ITER is a “project to prove that fusion power can be produced on a commercial scale.”

I contacted other leaders of the fusion research community, explained the results of their poor communications, and encouraged them to correct their Web sites. Many of them have made some corrections. All of them have declined to publish the second meaning of “fusion power.” Most of them have declined to publish the overall amount of power expected to be consumed by the reactor.

Leaders of fusion organizations I spoke with said that they were not ethically obligated to do so because ITER is not designed to produce overall net power. ITER, they said, is not designed to demonstrate that it is possible to produce commercial-scale energy from fusion. But those are precisely the two fundamental messages fusion representatives conveyed to the public and legislators in the past two decades that led to their support of the experiment and the expenditure of $20 billion of public money.


MIT used the same three elements in their privately funded fusion project.


Oct 312019
Lewis G. Larsen (Photo: Lloyd Degrane)

Lewis G. Larsen (Photo: Lloyd Degrane)

Lewis G. Larsen, 72, died on October 25, 2019.

Larsen developed the Widom-Larsen Ultra-Low-Momentum Neutron-Catalyzed Theory of Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions, with Allan Widom. He had been intrigued by low-energy nuclear reaction (LENR) research.

Before his career in science, Larsen worked as a quantitative investment analyst, professional commodities trader and technology investment banker. In his first job in the investment world, as a physical commodities trader for Louis Dreyfus Corp., he ran the international export and trading program in sorghum, oats and soybean oil. He was featured three times in Barron’s magazine for his ability to predict patterns in stock indexes, commodity prices and interest rates.

Larsen had studied biophysics and astrophysics and began applying his scientific knowledge to LENRs in the late 1990s. At the time, he was running a technology consulting company specializing in energy and information management and control systems.

One of his clients asked him, “Are there any wild cards in energy?” Larsen remembered the fusion controversy from 1989. Larsen examined the results of transmuted elements in LENR experiments and methodically figured out the necessary steps to explain the process.

By early 2004, Larsen had most of the general concepts put together, but he needed an academic collaborator who was well-published and who had the physics and calculation skills to help him complete the development of the theory. Larsen hadn’t done these kinds of calculations for many years. After an extensive search, Larsen said, he found Allan Widom, a professor of condensed-matter physics at Northeastern University.

Together, in 2006, the pair published what is still the only plausible theory to explain LENRs. Their peer-reviewed papers provide a detailed, mathematically supported explanation of the experimental phenomena, not as fusion but as neutron and weak interactions.

The theory has been evaluated by experts from the U.S. Navy, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, NASA, Johns Hopkins University, Boeing, Booz-Allen, Science Applications International Corporation, the Department of Energy Office of Science, and other scientists in the U.S. intelligence and defense communities.

Larsen was an invited speaker to the Department of Energy/Electric Power Research Institute High Efficiency Thermoelectrics workshop in February 2004. In October, 2006, Larsen and Widom were the only LENR theorists invited to speak at a DTRA meeting hosted at the Naval Research Laboratory.

The theory validates three decades of experimental research that reveals a new nuclear process. For the last 100 years, most scientists thought that nuclear reactions could occur only in high-energy physics experiments and in massive nuclear reactors. But LENR research shows otherwise: Nuclear reactions can also occur in small, benchtop experiments.

The research shows that, unlike fusion or fission, LENRs can release their energy without emitting harmful radiation or greenhouse gases or causing nuclear chain reactions. LENRs show promise of off-grid local-power generation that does not produce greenhouse gases.


Jul 092019

July 9, 2019 — By Steven B. Krivit —

Ninth in a Series on the Rutherford Nitrogen-to-Oxygen Transmutation Myth

Dr. Robin Marshall
Emeritus Professor, University of Manchester
Fellow of the U.K. Royal Society
Fellow of the U.K. Institute of Physics

Dear Dr. Marshall,

I am responding to the eight-page comment you posted on your Twitter account about a statement I published in my May 14, 2019, New Energy Times article “The World’s First Successful Alchemist (It Wasn’t Rutherford)“:

According to the myth, Rutherford bombarded nitrogen nuclei with energetic alpha particles and, in doing so, became the world’s first successful alchemist, changing the element nitrogen into the element oxygen.

Marshall-1: “Comments on the Paper by Steven B. Krivit” Continue reading »

Jul 082019

July 8, 2019 — By Steven B. Krivit —

Eighth in a Series on the Rutherford Nitrogen-to-Oxygen Transmutation Myth

When Robin Marshall, emeritus professor of physics at the University of Manchester, learned of my work to correct the historical record of an experiment performed a century ago by Ernest Rutherford, he didn’t take the news well.

Marshall insisted that there was no “justification to strip Rutherford of his transmutation discovery.” In the days preceding the June 8 “Centenary of Transmutation” meeting at the University of Manchester, Marshall took to Twitter to express himself. Here are some samples:

I absolutely love it when the intellectually vacuous try to take me on. They end up not only wishing they’d never been born, they end up wishing their mother and father had never been born.

Imagine a climate denier, flat Earth, 6,000yo Earth vaccine denier rolled into one. He is called Dr. K. and he has just scatter-gun blasted the whole Manchester Uni senior hierarchy; president, deans, and hangers-on like me. We must cancel the Centenary of Transmutation conference 08062019.

[I was] asked to give a sound bite to a reporter on the Yankee who denigrated Manchester’s transmutation centenary: “His utterances bear the same relation to physics as a barking dog does to the English language. Only the dog knows what it means.”

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Jul 072019

July 7, 2019 — By Steven B. Krivit —

Seventh in a Series on the Rutherford Nitrogen-to-Oxygen Transmutation Myth

On June 8, the University of Manchester held a one-day meeting titled “Centenary of Transmutation.” The meeting was to “celebrate the centenary of the first experiments to successfully transmute one element into another,” allegedly performed by Ernest Rutherford, at Manchester, and published 100 years ago in June 1919. In fact, there had been no such discovery. Instead, the historic discovery was made by Patrick Blackett; it took place at the University of Cambridge, and he published his results 94 years ago, in February 1925.

The key expert that spoke at the meeting was John Alexander Campbell, a well-known Rutherford expert. I had exchanged many e-mails with Campbell in 2014 when I was writing my book Lost History. Despite Campbell’s widespread claims that Rutherford had transmuted nitrogen to oxygen, Campbell did not know of any scientific paper in which Rutherford had published such findings. As I quickly learned, Rutherford never published such results.

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