
Nov 272011

Andrea Rossi, inventor of the Energy Catalyzer, is gradually decreasing the magnitude of excess heat he claims is produced by his low-energy nuclear reaction-based device.

On Feb. 28, 2010, Sergio Focardi, a retired physics professor from the University of Bologna, along with inventor Rossi published “A New Energy Source From Nuclear Fusion” on Rossi’s blog called the “Journal of Nuclear Physics.” In their paper, they claim an energy gain of 213 times heat output compared with the electrical input.

On Jan. 14, 2011, in a press conference and demonstration coordinated by Giuseppe Levi, a physics professor from the University of Bologna, Rossi and Focardi made a claim of an energy gain of 30 times.

Focardi reiterated these claims in an interview with Italian magazine Panorama.

“[The Jan. 14, 2011 demo used a] starting energy of 1 kilowatt and later,” Focardi said. “After a few minutes [input went] down to 400 watts to produce useful energy gain of 14 Kw, 31 times higher than the electricity input.

“[But] 31 is not the maximum factor that we have obtained, in other experiments we have arrived at 200.”

On April 19, 2011, Mats Lewan, a journalist with Ny Teknik went to Bologna to perform his own measurements of the Rossi device.

Soon after, Rossi began to state that his device produced a six-fold energy gain.

On June 15, I interviewed Rossi on video (Video Part 4, 6:53).

“As you have seen yesterday, the E-cats that we produce now have an excess which is six times, an output which is six times the input,” Rossi said.

According to two people who attended a lecture by Sven Kullander on Nov. 23, Rossi is now starting to talk about even smaller energy gains, the same level of energy production scientifically demonstrated and reported by Focardi when he previously worked with biophysicist Francesco Piantelli.

According to Patrik Lind, who attended the Kullander lecture, Kullander said that Rossi told him that his device now “works without a catalyst.”

According to Hampus Ericsson, who also attended the Kullander lecture, Kullander’s message was that “you could get a small effect without any catalyst, just like Focardi did in his 1994 paper.”

Nov 262011

On Nov. 23, Marina Amaduzzi of Corriere di Bologna published a story on Andrea Rossi, inventor of the Energy Catalyzer.

According to the news story, the University of Bologna department of physics and Rossi have signed a research contract that aims to replicate Rossi’s experiment.

This is not news and it is misleading. The contract was signed half a year ago. The contract is not active and will not become active until Rossi makes the first payment.

New Energy Times contacted Paolo Capiluppi, the head of University of Bologna physics department, on Nov. 16.

Nov. 16, 2011
To: Simona Storchi; Paolo Capiluppi
From: Steven Krivit
Subject: Media Inquiry: Rossi

Dear Professor Capiluppi,

Is UNIBO still willing to accept payment from EFA Srl (Andrea Rossi’s Italian company) and activate the contract?

Nov. 16, 2011
To: Steven Krivit, Simona Storchi
Subject: Media Inquiry: Rossi

Dear Steven,

UNIBO is still willing to activate the contract, and we are willing to accept payment from EFA.

Paolo Capiluppi

New Energy Times is providing a brief timeline and a listing of related events below. We are fully aware of the inconsistencies made by some of the sources.

Timeline and Related Events:
Jan. 11, 2011 – University of Bologna Professor Giuseppe Levi writes and distributes press release for Rossi’s Jan. 14, 2011 press conference and demonstration.

Jan. 14, 2011 – Levi organizes press conference and conducts Rossi Energy Catalyzer demonstration. Levi performs “Test 2” with the involvement of other University of Bologna professors.

Jan. 21, 2011 – University of Bologna professors Levi and Bianchini publish reports on their test of Rossi’s Jan. 14, 2011 demonstration.

Jan. 26, 2011 – University of Bologna professor Mauro Villa publishes report on his test of Rossi’s Jan. 14, 2011 demonstration.

Feb. 10-11, 2011 – Rossi, Levi and Passerini perform sub-boiling test on Ross’s device.

Feb. 23, 2011 – Mats Lewan of Ny Teknik writes: “In the morning of February 10, the inventor and engineer Andrea Rossi initiated a new controlled experiment in Bologna…With him was the physicist and researcher Giuseppe Levi from the University of Bologna, who also supervised the public demonstration in January. Together they ran the unit for 18 hours.”

March 10, 2011 – Lewan writes that Rossi “is now paying 500,000 Euros to the Physics Department of Bologna University, following a new agreement.”

“End of May” – Paolo Capiluppi, the head of University of Bologna Physics Department, signs contract with Rossi’s company.  (Source: Capiluppi)

June 14, 2011  – Levi states on Krivit video that he wrote Rossi’s Jan. 11, 2011 press release (Video Part 2, 2:38). Levi also states: “it was revised by our department director because it is a press release of the department of physics…it was released as an official communication of our physics department. Our director, Professor Capiluppi, was always informed of what was going on, and also professor Zoccoli was present and he is actually the director of INFN section of Bologna, National Institute of Nuclear Physics. He was also informed.”

June 14, 2011  – Rossi states on Krivit video: “He is Professor Bianchini of the University of Bologna. He is the specialist, the expert specialized in measuring the radiations. He is the scientist that we have hired as a consultant to measure the radiation out of our reactors.”

June 21, 2011 – Rossi countersigns contract.

June 28, 2011 – New Energy Times publishes “Report #2 – Energy Catalyzer: Scientific Communication and Ethics Issues ”

June 29, 2011 – Capiluppi publishes official notice about the Rossi contract. (Notice is incorrectly backdated as June 19.)

Aug. 2, 2011 – Capiluppi tells New Energy Times that his backdating error was a “stupid mistype.”

Nov. 5, 2011 – University of Bologna issues a press release and denies that any of its faculty were involved with Rossi: “the only reason why the University of Bologna researchers attended as observers to E-Cat experiments.” [Typo is in original text.]

Nov. 11, 2011 – Storchi tells New Energy Times that the Nov. 5, 2011 press release was written by Dario Braga, the vice president for research and Paolo Capiluppi, the head of the physics department.

Nov 262011

Andrea Rossi, inventor of the Energy Catalyzer, or E-Cat, has declined an offer from an Italian government laboratory for independent testing of his device.

According to Francesco Celani, a physicist with the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics in Frascati, Rossi says he has sold his device and that he has no other unit available for independent testing.

Celani offered to perform the independent confirmation of Rossi’s energy claim. Celani’s offer, made on or about Nov. 10, included:

– Use of government equipment that is regularly tested and calibrated.
– A cost of only two percent of what Rossi has promised (since March 10, 2011) to pay to the physics department of the University of Bologna for testing.
– A rapid evaluation of 20 days (10 for the test and another 10 to write the report,) rather than the two-year duration of the proposed University of Bologna research.
– An offer of fulltime observation and control by Rossi.
– A promise of no attempts to reveal Rossi’s industrial secret.

According to an e-mail Celani sent to his colleagues, Rossi declined his offer.

“Rossi answered that my test, among others of very low cost…was too-late because the E-Cat [had been] sold,” Celani wrote.

This summer, on July 14, 2011, Rossi asked NASA if they would like the opportunity to independently test his device. NASA accepted Rossi’s offer and began drafting an agreement. NASA stated that a confirmatory test would cost about $50,000. Rossi responded to NASA on July 22 and told them that they could test his device if they paid him $15 million. (New Energy Times will report more details about the Rossi-NASA story in forthcoming reports.)

The Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics story was first reported by, an Italian news magazine.

Celani Invitation at (En)
Celani Invitation at (It)
Rossi Response at (Eng)
Rossi Response at (It)

Nov 262011

On Nov. 23, professor Sven Kullander of Uppsala University gave a public lecture at Orebro University, primarily on the energy claims of Andrea Rossi.

Rossi has claimed that Kullander has confirmed Rossi’s energy claim. This is an inconsistency, as is apparent from Kullander’s lecture. There is a subtle but crucial distinction: Kullander has not independently tested Rossi’s device, but Kullander however, thus far, accepts Rossi’s claim.

Here is a link to Kullander’s public announcement. Here is a link to the audio recording of Kullander’s talk. (There is a long period of silence in the beginning.)  John Olov Hampus Ersa Ericsson, a sociology student at Umeå University, attended the lecture and kindly provided New Energy Times with his personal report of the lecture.

By John Olov Hampus Ersa Ericsson

On Nov. 23 I attended a lecture by Sven Kullander at Orebro University. This is only a partial report because my schedule did not permit me to attend the entire lecture.

About 100 people attended. Most of them were men, age 50 or older. Nearly half had never heard of Rossi before. They thought the lecture was going to be primarily about nuclear power, but the main topic was really about Rossi and his E-Cat.

Kullander’s presented a good lecture. He started by reviewing existing types of nuclear power. He then spoke about thermonuclear fusion and speculated when that research might eventually be practical.

Then the good part came, he talked about all the different tests that have been made of Rossi’s E-Cat. Basically, Kullander read from the Ny Teknik reports.

Then he talked about the test he personally observed in Bologna. He said that it proved that heat was made but he couldn’t say by what mechanism. He believes that the phenomenon can be explained by today’s science. He is also open to the possibility that he may have been fooled in some way but he does not feel so at this time. Kullander and Essen looked for any kind of hidden system that could explain the extra heat but they could not find one.

Kullander also said that Rossi is definitely not a fraud and that his friend Sergio Focardi, a retired professor of physics from the University of Bologna, and Giuseppe Levi, a current professor of physics with the University, are absolutely not frauds. They are his friends and he trusts them. Rossi, on the other hand, Kullander said was a “black box.”

Kullander said during the lecture that he was contacted by NASA personnel who asked him for information. Then Kullander said that NASA was Rossi’s first potential customer. Kullander said that NASA told him that they wanted to know exactly how the E-Cat worked. However, Rossi and NASA were unable to come to an agreement because Rossi was not willing to provide that information. [New Energy Times note: Kullander’s statement about NASA is incomplete and may not be correct. New Energy Times will provide more details on the Rossi-NASA relationship in the near future.] The current mystery costumer is not known by Kullander at this time.

Kullander also said that Rossi can be a little bit angry at people who don’t trust him. That’s why Kullander has remained on Rossi’s good side and why Kullander never expressed any skepticism to Rossi.

Kullander said that he has asked Rossi if Uppsala University can independently test the device, with the requirement that all information will be publicly revealed. If Rossi declines Kullander’s request, Uppsala will not test the Rossi device.

One of the most interesting things was that Kullander sad that Focardi and Levi are both excellent professors and that he believes in them 100 percent. Rossi, on the other hand, Kullander said, is a little bit of a black box. He said that there are two black boxes in this history, Rossi and his E-Cat. Kullander says that Rossi usually refers to his invention as “me and my cats.”

Kullander also said that his colleague Roland Pettersson is very enthusiastic about the E-Cat.

Kullander also showed the analytical test of the nickel fuel and the copper and nickel that remained after one of the previous (exact date unknown) Rossi experiments. Kullander says he will publish a full article on the nickel ash and the waste ash when all the testing is done. But the preliminary testing has shown copper in the waste ash.

In summary, Kullander said that the E-Cat produced excess heat that can’t be explained with a chemical process because the reactor chamber is so small.

Kullander stressed, just like Mats Lewan, how important it is to independently test the E-Cat and that Uppsala University is glad to do it. Kullander said that a real test of the E-Cat would help both the world and Rossi. A successful confirmation would bring more customers to Rossi and the world would finally know the truth.

[New Energy Times: As of today, Rossi has declined offers for independent confirmations from NASA, Francesco Celani, Brian Josephson and Peter Hagelstein.]

[Corrections Nov. 26: This article has been modified to reflect corrections. The author attends Umeå University, not Uppsala University. The lecture took place at Orebro, not Uppsala University.]

Nov 212011

[Preface Added 11/24/2011:

Several New Energy Times readers have been confused and have contacted me about this post. Please accept my apologies. I can see that some introduction is required.

On Nov. 12, Swedish Public Radio broadcast a news story on Ny Teknik and Mats Lewan’s coverage of the Rossi story. I wrote a post about it here.

On Nov. 16, Norbert Andersson, Ny Teknik acting editor in chief published, on Ny Teknik, a response to the Swedish Public Radio broadcast.

With the help of New Energy Times reader KHM, we translated Andersson’s text into English, and it follows below.

Andersson is defending against Swedish Public Radio’s comment that Ny Teknik is advertising a scam. Andersson’s response is that Ny Teknik’s coverage of the Rossi story is justified because it has brought “high waves” of debate and extensive discussion to the topic. Andersson also says the public has been served by the reader comments to their Rossi articles.

“It is the strength of our readers that they can enrich our own reporting,” Andersson wrote.

Andersson’s explanation is similar to Brian Wang’s (Editor of Next Big Future): “I will continue to report on this even if it is a fraud, because it is still news that there is large scale technical fraud.]

[Thanks to KHM for translation improvement]

The Radioshow “The Media” Missed the Debate
By: Norbert Andersson, Ny Teknik Acting Editor in Chief
Published November 16, 2011 00:00

This weekend, the radio show “The Media” (P1) examined Ny Teknik’s coverage of the energy catalyst that Italian Andrea Rossi has invented and which he believes is based on cold fusion.

It is a good thing that the radio critically reviews the media world, including Ny Teknik.

In spite of the program having the theory that Ny Teknik and our reporter Mats Lewan market a criminal swindler, we have to accept it. It is not easy to gain an understanding of the theories that might explain what is happening in Rossi’s catalyst, especially for the program’s reporters, who have no deeper knowledge of technology and must rely on what others say about it.

This is in contrast to Mats Lewan, who has studied the various theories of the catalyst, he has a Master of Science (Engineering Physics) and knows what requirements you must have of a catalyst that is claimed to produce energy.

But the crucial mistake in the program was that “The Media” did not tell in what context that Ny Teknik has released the bulk of reporting on Andrea Rossi. Namely, directly adjacent to a major debate on our Web site

Every time Mats Lewan has reported on new routes of the Energy Catalyzer, the debate has gone high waves.

Hundreds, and sometimes over a thousand, various comments have been scrutinizing and discussing the reports. The comments are in scale many times larger than our own articles on the subject.

Most comments are serious and provide new aspects.

There is among our readers a large number of experts that through the comments give other readers – and even Ny Teknik´s Editorial – more knowledge and new perspectives.

It is the strength of our readers that they can enrich our own reporting.

Sure it sometimes pops up silly remarks and offensive or just malicious comments.

We delete the worst comments because the comments field on is not a place to vent one’s aggression, but a serious discussion forum.

So I invite you who has not previously discussed on our Web site, to contribute with your knowledge and experience in our comments. To the joy and benefit of all readers.

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