Oct. 6, 2012 – By Steven B. Krivit –
The latest issue of Discover magazine includes a two-page article by Mark Anderson that features the Widom-Larsen ultra-low-momentum neutron-catalyzed theory of low-energy nuclear reactions.
The title is “Bring Back the Cold Fusion Dream,” and the subtitle is “A new theory may explain the notorious cold fusion experiment from two decades ago, reigniting hopes of a clean-energy breakthrough.”
No other LENR theory is mentioned in the Discover article, although there are plenty. However, as Anderson wrote, none of the other theories has as much going for it as does the Widom-Larsen theory. Even Ephraim Fischbach, a Purdue University physicist, favored the Widom-Larsen theory over his Purdue colleague Yeong Kim’s “cold fusion” theory, according to Anderson.
“The Widom-Larsen theory is the best-formulated explanation of what’s going on,” Fischbach said. Continue reading »