
Jun 022013

ENEA Requests European Parliament Meeting

June 2, 2013 – By Steven B. Krivit –

A meeting to discuss LENR research will take place on Monday in the Jozsef Antall room at a European Parliament building. Contrary to rumor, the European Parliament did not request the meeting and is not promoting it.

The room was provided as a courtesy and at the request of the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Environment (ENEA) in Frascati. Several LENR researchers will give presentations.

Two of the researchers are Michael McKubre, the former director of the SRI Energy Research Center, and Vittorio Violante, a researcher with ENEA. McKubre and Violante have extensive experience in LENRs and have worked in the field for two decades.

On May 30, New Energy Times sent an e-mail to Amalia Sartori, an Italian politician, a member of the European Parliament and chair of the Industry, Telecommunications, Research, Energy (ITRE) Committee, to learn more about the meeting.

According to a May 31 e-mail New Energy Times received from Sartori’s assistant Valentina Zilio, the meeting was organized by ENEA Frascati after Sartori’s office received a request from ENEA to hold the meeting at the European Parliament building.

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May 272013
Cover of David Goodstein's Book on Science Fraud

Cover of David Goodstein’s Book on Science Fraud

May 27, 2013 – By Alessio Guglielmi–

From: Dr. Alessio Guglielmi
To: Drs. Giuseppe Levi, Evelyn Foschi, Torbjörn Hartman, Bo Höistad, Roland Pettersson, Lars Tegnér, Hanno Essén

Dear Doctors Levi, Foschi, Hartman, Höistad, Pettersson, Tegnér and Essén,

I have read your recent manuscript `Indication of anomalous heat energy production in a reactor device containing hydrogen loaded nickel powder´ on arXiv and I am very perplexed.

You are aware that several alleged technical mistakes have been pointed out, such as omitting control on DC current input (which has been acknowledged by Prof. Essén in a recent interview) and the assumption that the output heat is released by a perfect black body (this assumption is contested by Prof. Gianni Comoretto, for example). The picture that emerges, and I am sorry if this sounds offensive, is that some crucial measures have not been taken seriously enough on a discovery that, if genuine, would alter the history of mankind.

However, I have an issue that appears to me even more important, because it concerns the very essence of your continued activities on Rossi’s device. Our job as researchers is to advance knowledge, and to do so, whatever we investigate must be reproducible by other researchers so that the knowledge we generate becomes established and we can move forward. This seems to be at odds with your behavior. You went to the workshop of a private individual who claims to be solving half of mankind’s problems, and performed measures on a device that you could not fully control and that is not available to other researchers. Therefore, your manuscript does not contain any reproducible experience. So, how does it advance knowledge? What do we learn?

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May 212013

Index of LENR Experimental Methodologies
May 22, 2013 – By Steven B. Krivit –

Low-energy nuclear reaction researchers have used at least two dozen methods to perform LENR experiments. This index describes the more common methods. New Energy Times first presented a condensed version of this Index of LENR Experimental Methodologies at the American Nuclear Society meeting in November 2012. Today, we published a more detailed listing of the index.

Click here to go to the index on our reference site.

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Professional Journalism – LENR Facts

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May 212013

Rossi Manipulates Academics to Create Illusion of Independent Test

May 21, 2013 – By Steven B. Krivit –

On May 16, Hanno Essén, a theoretical physicist and lecturer at the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology, submitted a paper to arXiv, the physics pre-print server, and claimed that he and several co-authors performed an independent test of an E-Cat device that was built by Andrea Rossi. Essén submitted a revised version of the paper on May 20.

The authors of the paper did not perform an independent test; instead, they were participants in another Rossi demonstration and performed measurements on one of Rossi’s devices in his facility.

New Energy Times stopped counting the Rossi demonstrations after the 13th one on Feb. 12, 2012. (See Andrea Rossi Energy Catalyzer Master Timeline.)

The authors of the paper lack full knowledge of the type and preparation of the materials used in the reactor and the modulation of input power, which, according to the paper, were industrial trade secrets.

The authors didn’t perform any calorimetry and used a method to measure temperature to extrapolate output power that neither they nor anyone in the field of low-energy nuclear reaction research has ever used to analyze for heat power or energy.

In response to a question from New Energy Times about whether he had full knowledge of how to perform and operate the experiment, Essén effectively confirmed that he had not replicated the experiment.

“No, but I am sure that I could repeat it with some effort,” Essén wrote.

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May 082013

2009 CBS-TV Program Wrongly Reported DARPA LENR Endorsement
May 8, 2013 – By Steven B. Krivit –

A key document shown in CBS’s “60 Minutes” program “Cold Fusion Is Hot Again” was wrongly attributed, New Energy Times recently learned.

During the 2009 program, CBS said that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency did its “own analysis” of the anomalous heat effect seen in LENRs (low-energy nuclear reactions) and that CBS had obtained an “internal memo” written by DARPA.

“The Pentagon is saying [that LENR is real], too,” CBS said. “The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, known as DARPA, did its own analysis, and 60 Minutes obtained an internal memo that concludes there is ‘no doubt that anomalous excess heat is produced in these experiments.'”

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Here’s what CBS displayed on the show as evidence of DARPA’s endorsement:

DARPA Cold Fusion Memo

Sometime after the program aired, New Energy Times obtained the full document. DARPA did not do its own analysis, and it was not an internal memo.  The memo was written by a long-standing research partner and collaborator of the subjects of the story.

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