
Jun 282013
Andrea Rossi: Fairy Godfather of Cold Fusion

Fairy Godfather of Cold Fusion: Drawing by adw, photo by dubross

June 28, 2013 – By Steven B. Krivit –

Two professors at Uppsala University, in Sweden, have published critical comments about their colleagues’ endorsement of Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat device.

Göran Ericsson and Stephan Pomp, professors in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Uppsala, uploaded their critique on Wednesday to the arXiv preprint server. Their paper reports serious deficiencies in a May 20 paper written by seven researchers, including three professors at Uppsala.

“Wishful thinking seems to have replaced scientific rigor,” Ericsson and Pomp wrote.

The authors of the May 20 paper say they made an independent test of Rossi’s device. They also say, “By the most conservative assumptions as to the errors in the measurements, the result is still one order of magnitude greater than conventional energy sources.”

The authors of that paper are Giuseppe Levi (University of Bologna), Evelyn Foschi (Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics), Torbjörn Hartman (senior research engineer at the Svedberg Laboratory, Uppsala University), Bo Höistad (professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Uppsala University), Roland Pettersson (senior lecturer in the Department of Chemistry at Uppsala University), Lars Tegnér (professor in the Department of Engineering Sciences at Uppsala University) and Hanno Essén (Royal Institute of Technology).


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Jun 192013

1998 SRI International Hydrogen LENR Experiment Produces Helium-4
June 19, 2013 – By Steven B. Krivit –

New Energy Times has discovered that a 1998 light-hydrogen gas LENR experiment performed at SRI International, in Menlo Park, Calif., unexpectedly produced a significant amount of helium-4. [DAP errMsgTemplate=”” isLoggedIn=”N”] According to the deuterium-deuterium cold fusion hypothesis, this result is impossible. [/DAP] Otherwise-identical deuterium-gas experiments conducted in parallel also produced helium-4.

The researchers who performed this set of experiments have published and presented this data for 14 years; however, they obscured this particularly anomalous result. This surprising data, which clearly indicated production of helium-4 in a light-hydrogen gas experiment, contradicted the deuterium-deuterium cold fusion theories of their colleague Peter Hagelstein.

The context for the significance of this observation of helium-4 production with light-hydrogen gas goes back to the very beginning of the “cold fusion” story.

At the Dallas, Texas, American Chemical Society national meeting on April 12, 1989, reporters asked “cold fusion” co-discoverer Stanley Pons about the “obvious control experiment of running with all conditions identical but with normal water rather than heavy water.”

Pons knew that an admission of excess heat with light water would directly contradict his and co-discoverer Martin Fleischmann’s working hypothesis of deuterium-deuterium cold nuclear fusion.

Pons reluctantly admitted to reporters that the experimental data he and Fleischmann had accumulated suggested that they had observed excess heat in light-water (H2O) electrolytic cells as well as in heavy-water (D2O) cells.

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Jun 062013
Open Letter to Rossi's Academic Promoters

Motto of the U.K. Royal Society: “Nullius in Verba.” (Take no one’s word for it.)

— June 6, 2013 —

Steven B. Krivit
Publisher and Senior Editor, New Energy Times
369-B Third Street, #556
San Rafael, CA USA 94901

To Drs. Giuseppe Levi (University of Bologna), Evelyn Foschi (INFN), Torbjörn Hartman, Bo Höistad, Roland Pettersson, Lars Tegnér (Uppsala University), Hanno Essén (Royal Institute of Technology)

Dear Drs. Levi, Foschi, Hartman, Höistad, Pettersson, Tegnér and Essén,

This is an open letter about your preprint submission to arXiv on May 16, “Indication of Anomalous Heat Energy Production in a Reactor Device.”

In your preprint, you claimed that you made an independent test of Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat device and that, according to your test, his device produced energy that was an order of magnitude greater than conventional energy sources.

This letter is prompted by my concerns about your preprint, the validity of the device’s thermal output that you claimed to confirm, and the integrity of the inventor whom you have endorsed.

In June 2011, I traveled to Bologna, Italy, to meet Rossi in person and to observe his device. He offered to demonstrate it to me while it was running and allowed me to videotape. In the opinion of skilled engineers who later viewed the videotape, the steam output appeared to be equivalent to a 1,000 Watt electric tea kettle. Rossi, however, claimed it was producing 5,000 Watts of heat. In fact, his results were consistent with the 770 Watts of electrical power that he was putting into the system. (Please see “The Failure of Rossi’s Energy Catalyzer, Caught on Video.”)

Despite the obvious problems with Rossi’s public claims of extraordinary output of excess heat from his E-Cats, I am convinced that LENRs are real nuclear phenomena. Continue reading »

Jun 042013
More Ethics Questions: Uppsala University Hides Failed E-Cat Test

The motto of Uppsala University is “Truth through mercy and nature.”

June 4, 2013 – By Steven B. Krivit –

On May 27, Alessio Guglielmi, a researcher in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Bath, in England, published an open letter that addressed ethical questions about Uppsala University researchers involved in the promotion of Andrea Rossi’s Energy Catalyzer (E-Cat) device. Today, New Energy Times reports additional information that raises more questions about the scientific ethics of the Uppsala researchers.

The story began two years ago (full timeline of events here). On Feb. 23, 2011, Sven Kullander, an emeritus professor of physics at Uppsala University and chairman of the Swedish National Academy of Sciences Energy Committee, told a Swedish journalist that the public “must embrace” the Rossi claim. Kullander had not seen the Rossi device or tested it.

There hadn’t been and still isn’t any published peer-reviewed paper in a real journal to confirm the device. There hadn’t been and still isn’t any independent replication of the Rossi device. There hadn’t been and still isn’t any successful test of the Rossi device in any independent laboratory.

On Nov. 23, 2011, Kullander gave a public science lecture at Orebro University, in Sweden, primarily on the Rossi claims. John Olov Hampus Ersa Ericsson, a sociology student at Umeå University, in Sweden, attended the lecture and provided New Energy Times with his personal report of the lecture. (See New Energy Times article “ Hampus Ericsson Report on Kullander Lecture at Orebro.”)

According to Ericsson, Kullander said that he asked Rossi whether Uppsala University could independently test the device, with the requirement that all information would become public.

The failed test attempt took place in the fall of 2012. Kullander never publicly revealed anything about it.

On Dec. 19, 2012, Goran Ericsson, a professor in the Applied Nuclear Physics Division of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Uppsala University, provided New Energy Times with detailed information about the attempted E-Cat test. New Energy Times did not report this information at the time because the Rossi story appeared to have already died out.

However, in May the story came back to life as a result of the manuscript submitted by Kullander’s colleagues to arXiv. (See New Energy Times article “Rossi Manipulates Academics to Create Illusion of Independent Test.”)

Here is the report we received from Ericsson:

I work at Uppsala University in applied nuclear physics. I have followed your coverage of the Rossi E-Cat story over the years and found it the best overall reporting. You have done a lot of nice groundwork. I especially like your video interviews with the Rossi, Levi and Focardi group some time back. I might not agree with your position on LENR in general, but I appreciate your honest way of approaching the issue.

On Dec. 17, there was a Swedish public service TV program on Rossi and “cold fusion.” I participated in a short sequence [See New Energy Times articles “Rossi Fools Swedish Public Television” and “Kullander and Essen’s Unscientific Behavior on Swedish Television“]. The Rossi story is quite big in Sweden, partly due to the coverage in the widely read Ny Teknik magazine. The TV program has generated discussions among colleagues and interested people.

From the comments I have received, two pieces of information might qualify to be included in your account of the Rossi story:

1) The more-detailed isotopic analysis by Kullander of the powder used in the E-Cat has been completed. Kullander verified this to me himself by e-mail in March. If I correctly recall his information, partly given to me orally, the final measurements [of Rossi’s catalyst material] were done at the Museum of Natural History, in Stockholm, using its mass spectrometry system.

The result seems similar to the preliminary results from the first tests in Uppsala, reported [not in a journal but] in Ny Teknik: no radioactivity, no transmutations, no deviations from natural abundances. Thus, there is no reason to assume that nuclear reactions involving protons and nickel have been involved. Although this is not a surprising result, I think it should be documented with your other information on this. I have written to Kullander asking for the report. He has promised since March to deliver these results, but I have received no reply.  [June 7 addendum: Kullander sent the report to Ericsson several days later without any restrictions.]

2) According to a source of mine (more on this below), a complete E-Cat (unclear which variety) was delivered by one of Rossi’s associates (not clear who) to the Uppsala University accelerator center, the [Theodor] Svedberg lab, for testing. This happened after the summer of 2012, between September and October.

The lab crew had prepared for quite extensive measurements, according to their best efforts, which are quite good, as you can imagine, including logging of power input, water flow in and out, temperatures, radiation, and using a heat exchanger instead of relying on assumptions on the steam quality.

According to my source, as the Rossi associate was setting everything up, a “poff” was heard, and the associate declared that the E-Cat was not working and left. No measurements were done. It is possible, but not certain, that this E-Cat is still in Uppsala.

The person who gave me this information was, until recently, employed at the Svedberg lab and left because the lab is closing down in a couple of years and all personnel have been asked to start reviewing their positions. There was no conflict behind his leaving, simply the issue of securing his next employment position. He is still working at the university. He is very credible.

Furthermore, it is a well-known secret among many people close to the accelerator lab that these tests have been going on, so I have the same information from other sources, although they have not wanted me to say anything. There is apparently an issue with confidentiality at the Svedberg lab, so the people involved have been asked not to talk about this.

I imagine you want to verify this information. If so, I would suggest going to the source – call or write to Sven Kullander himself – and to the director of the Svedberg lab, Bjorn Galnander. Of course, it is not clear what they will be willing to say on these issues.

Yesterday, New Energy Times e-mailed Galnander and Uppsala University media representatives and asked whether Galnander had any comments about the attempted test of the E-Cat device by staff at the Uppsala accelerator center. We also asked him to comment on the university’s position on open discussion of the test. He did not respond.

We also sent the same questions to Kullander and the Uppsala University media representatives.

Kullander responded by e-mail yesterday. He declined to provide any information about the test, and he denied directing any researchers to withhold information about the E-Cat test from the public.

Questions? Comments? Submit a Letter to the Editor.

Jun 022013
CERN Invites LENR Colloquium

CERN Invites 2012 LENR Colloquium

June 2, 2013 – By Steven B. Krivit –

Last year, a LENR colloquium took place at one of the most prestigious nuclear physics institutions in the world, CERN, the European Centre for Nuclear Research.

On Feb. 8, 2012, New Energy Times reported that CERN had scheduled an invited colloquium, “Overview of Theoretical and Experimental Progress in Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR)”;  it took place on March 22 in CERN’s council chamber.

Ignatios Antoniadis, a member of the theoretical physics division of CERN, invited two speakers. Francesco Celani, a physicist with the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics in Frascati, Italy, spoke about experiments, and Yogendra Srivastava, a physicist with the University of Perugia, Italy, spoke about theory. Srivastava is a co-author of LENR theoretical work, along with Alan Widom and Lewis Larsen, developers of the Widom-Larsen theory of LENRs.

A paper that Larsen published on Slideshare on Dec. 7, 2011, may have had triggered the colloquium. Larsen’s paper discusses a possible relationship between low-energy nuclear reactions and unexplained observations with the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.

New Energy Times did not write a report after the colloquium. However, interest in LENR has grown recently in Europe, and this is a good time to take a quick look back.

CERN holds a distinct place in cold fusion history, because  it was the home of physicist Douglas R.O. Morrison, who published weekly newsletters, distributed worldwide, that depicted the entire field as pathological science.

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