
Jan 202011

In the past two days, Jed Rothwell, librarian for the LENR-CANR Web site, has published two reports on the Rossi-Focardi device and demonstration.
Andrea Rossi, at Jan. 14 demonstration of his LENR device.  Photo courtesy Daniele Passerini.

The Melich Report
On the morning of Jan. 17, Rothwell announced that he would soon be uploading a report, written by Michael Melich, on the Rossi-Focardi demonstration.

Melich, affiliated with the Naval Postgraduate School and with the Naval Research Laboratory, is also on the board of advisers of Andrea Rossi’s deceptive Journal of Nuclear Physics which is merely just a blog with a single purpose to promote the Rossi work.

Hours later, Rothwell uploaded the report, which listed Rothwell as the editor, with no mention of Melich. The Melich-Rothwell report promotes the “Andrea Rossi Ecat (Energy Catalyzer) Boiler” as property of Leonardo Corp. and Rossi as president of the corporation. This information has not appeared in news reports or accounts of this event.

Melich circulated a copy of his report before sending it to Rothwell, and I obtained a copy from physical chemist Melvin Miles. That version is nearly identical; Rothwell added three photos to his version.

Because Melich is on Rossi’s board of advisers and he seems to be promoting this company behind the scenes, I asked Rossi whether Melich is involved with Leonardo Corp.

“Michael Melich is absolutely not involved with Leonardo Corporation,” Rossi said.

Rossi incorporated Leonardo Corporation on April 22, 1997, as the sole incorporator, in New Hampshire. Corporate documents show that Rossi is the sole officer and director.

For reasons not clear to me, Melich hid the identities of the two “prominent physical chemists” who provided calculations.

Miles told me that he was the contributor of the calculations in section two of the report, but he perceived that the person who asked him to perform the calculations wanted him to keep it secret.

“I don’t know if this should be kept confidential. Hence, I don’t want to give out names,” Miles wrote. “However, the same person that asked me to do the calculation on Sunday also sent me the report on Monday.”

Macy Report
Melich’s wife, Marianne Macy, a writer for Infinite Energy magazine, published what appears to be a news report on the Rossi device on the LENR-CANR Web site today.

One curious thing is that LENR-CANR is a library of scientific papers, not a news Web site.

At a glance, the document appears to be a technical report on the device. But Paragraph 3 is loaded with extravagant claims from an unidentified representative of an investment group that has an unidentified relationship with Rossi. Like the Melich report, this paragraph implies that Macy’s agenda includes commercial promotion.
Marianne Macy and Michael Melich. Photo courtesy David Nagel.

Some background on Macy may be helpful. Besides writing for Infinite Energy magazine, she is also working on its Cold Fusion Oral History project, to be housed at the University of Utah. Macy is well-liked by researchers in the field, and they have been open with her. Before her work in “cold fusion,” she pretended to be an escort while she reported undercover on the New York City sex scene. She wrote up her odyssey in the book Working Sex.

Some background on Melich may be helpful. Melich is not a researcher, and his fundamental relationship with the LENR field is unclear.

For many years, Melich has gone out of his way to give people in the LENR field, including me, the impression that he is a covert intelligence agent, specifically tasked by the U.S. government to promote and keep an eye on “cold fusion.” Many people in the field have believed this and consequently have responded to him deferentially and with unusual openness. One problem with his methods is that true covert operators never try to give people the impression that they are covert operators.

Jan 192011

The report I received on Jan. 17 from Francesco Celani, a physicist with the Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare in Frascati, Italy (National Institute of Nuclear Physics), gives me new confidence about the Rossi-Focardi device. If the data provided to Celani is correct and complete, the device is real and is demonstrating some excess heat – on demand, no less.

In the last year or so, Andrea Rossi created a Web site with a deceptive name, Journal of Nuclear Physics. In fact, the Web site appears to be exclusively about his work. He also told me the editor was a “team of scientists,’ but he acts on behalf of this team.

If confirmed, the Rossi-Focardi development would be a significant practical development for the LENR field. Despite my earlier misgivings about Rossi’s Web site promotion, I am upgrading my skepticism about the Rossi-Focardi device to cautious optimism.

What Is The Process?
Whatever the LENRs that are responsible for the device’s heat output, nickel-hydrogen reactions are not fusion, so this has nothing to do with the idea of “cold fusion.”

Researcher Jacques Dufour, retired from Shell and now a contractor with the French Laboratoire Des Sciences Nucléaires (CNAM), has speculated on neutron or proton capture on nickel to explain the mechanism. Unfortunately, proton capture requires astronomical forces to overcome the Coulomb barrier and is effectively invoking “cold fusion.”

Neutron capture, on the other hand, is different and theoretically feasible. In his conclusion, Dufour has cited the Widom-Larsen theory, published in the mainstream press by the European Physics Journal C, Pramana, and the American Chemical Society. The theory has also been cited by NASA, Johns Hopkins University and the Institute of Science in Society. (See New Energy Times Widom-Larsen Theory Portal for papers and references.)

“Strong nuclear signatures are expected from the Rossi energy amplifier,” Dufour writes. “It is of interest to note that in [Widom Larsen ‘Theoretical Standard Model Rates of Proton to Neutron Conversions Near Metallic Hydride Surfaces’] a mechanism is proposed that strongly suppresses the gamma emission during the run (it is the same mechanism that creates very low energy neutrons, subsequently captured by the nickel).”

Despite the fact that the Widom-Larsen theory provides a viable explanation for the Rossi-Focardi work, a few cold fusion believers like radiochemist Edmund Storms (KivaLabs) and theorist Scott Chubb (Infinite Energy magazine) have suggested, in e-mails to their colleagues, that the Rossi-Focardi development validates “cold fusion.” The bad blood between Storms and Larsen goes back several years; Storms is a disgruntled ex-employee from Larsen’s company, Lattice Energy.

“The bottom line is that Rossi is initiating cold fusion and the reactions have all the characteristics observed when deuterium is used,” Storms wrote. “Nature has only one song but with different words.”

As a convenience to readers, the New Energy Times analysis of the characteristics of LENR is here.
The Storms analysis of the characteristics of “cold fusion” is here.

Chubb, knowing the improbability of proton-proton fusion at low energies, wrote that trace amounts of undetected deuterium in the hydrogen gas could explain the reaction as “cold fusion.” This assumes he can explain how D-D fusion occurs at low energies in the first place.

“How pure was the H2 gas?” Chubb wrote. “Magnetic effects and even a small amount of D2 could initiate the effect. The failure to monitor D2 in these experiments continues to be a question that has to be resolved.”

Chubb appears to be the only person who believes that not checking for trace quantities of D2 in the H2 is considered a failure and is a question that must be resolved.

Celani, who attended the demonstration, admonished his colleagues.

“Rossi-Focardi NEVER USED the words COLD FUSION energy/experiment,” Celani wrote. “They used the words “Energy Catalizer.”

Where Did the Idea Come From?
From what I know so far, the concept demonstrated on Jan. 14 by Rossi and his colleague Sergio Focardi, a retired physics professor from the University of Bologna, had been discovered by Francesco Piantelli, a retired professor of biophysics with the University of Siena.

In 2008, I chronicled the story of Piantelli’s discovery in two articles: “Deuterium and Palladium Not Required” and “Piantelli-Focardi Publication and Replication Path.”

Rossi and Focardi appear to have gone much further than Piantelli and taken the next steps toward development and practicality of their LENR device.

My confidence in the Rossi-Focardi work comes not only from Celani’s report but also, in large part, from my lab visits with Piantelli in 2007 and 2009 and my examination of his documentation. I remember that Piantelli let me take pictures of anything I wanted; he was not concerned that I might photograph anything proprietary. He explained to me that the proprietary aspects were the secret formulation of the nano-particle reactants and this was all in his head, he said, so there was no risk that I would reveal anything confidential.

As the expression goes, success has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan. Many Italians, as well as Romanian Peter Gluck, who is also familiar with this history, have attested that the origin of this work comes from Piantelli. Rossi denies this.

“My process has nothing to do with the process of Piantelli,” Rossi wrote. “The proof is that I am making operating reactors; he is not.”

When I visited Piantelli, I began to understand some of the reasons that he had not moved his LENR work into commercialization. His real passion is to help heal people with cancer through his innovations in biophysics. He claims to have a very high success rate. I covered this in more detail in my 2008 article.

But why Piantelli has apparently neglected the development of this important energy technology or, alternatively, not freely released it to others is a partial mystery. Regardless of the personnel conflict, Rossi’s device appears to have far more to do with Piantelli’s process than Rossi is acknowledging.

I am relieved that Rossi and Focardi appear to have gone further than Piantelli and advanced this work. On the other hand, I am worried, because I know that what I have written here will likely bring predators to Rossi and Focardi as well as to Piantelli.

All three men have a right to stake their claims and withhold their intellectual property from the public. Does Rossi have clear title to this intellectual property? (Only his name is listed as inventor on the patent application.) If Rossi does, will he be able to keep the formulation a secret?

Assuming the validity of the work, Rossi now faces the challenge of making development agreements that are agreeable to him, as well as protect against industrial espionage. Piantelli will face potential industrial espionage, as well, because I have now revealed that he holds some of these secrets. I do not envy either of them.

Rossi has, to his credit, answered all of my questions. In order to preserve his words as closely as possible, we have not edited them for clarity or English grammar:

Q. What is your academic qualification?
A. I am a doctor in the Philosophy of Science and Engineering from the Universita’ Degli Studi Di Milano [University of Milan].

Q. What is your affiliation or relationship with the University of Bologna?
A. None.

Q. What was your objective to hold a public demonstration and seek media attention?
A. I had been requested from many sides to make this. I thought this could be useful. We are close to put in the market our product, and this has prepared the consequent necessary communication work.

Q. What has been the best total energy balance produced by your device?
A. I can say that in many tests, also made in the USA, where we manufacture our reactors, we turn off the resistance and the reactor is self-sustaining. In this case, the factor is very high. But it is dangerous, so we maintain the drive and stay below 10K for the reactors which have to be operated in the market.

Q. What has been the best power produced by your device?
A. Please see above.

Q. For how long did that power level sustain?
A. Until we maintained a proper hydrogen pressure.

Q. Can you please send me papers or documents providing the most scientific support and documentation of your device?
A. I will mail you the report of the Bologna test, which has been made rigorously by a third party. I didn’t know the three professors who made the test. They decided the circuit configuration. They certified the measurements instrumentation.

Q. Are you claiming this to be “cold fusion” or some new kind of low-energy nuclear reaction?
A. I think that the definition “cold fusion” is wrong in itself. What I claim is a weak nuclear reactions energy. As you already know, I think that there is still much work and study to do on the theoretical field to understand exactly why this reactor works. This path is difficult, because all physics can say to help you is that these reactions are impossible (thank you very much), while in the books, you can find nothing. Also, the more important books (for me, Greiner and Cooks) do not give solutions. We have to invent from the base also in the theoretical field.

As far as Rossi’s story of a self-sustaining reactor, I am inclined to believe it. It is very similar to a story that Piantelli told me. And I have seen the melted metal in Piantelli’s lab.

Here is an excerpt from my 2008 account:

Piantelli has an exciting story to tell of another experiment that, for few hours, was out of control. It was sometime around September 1993, before Piantelli-Focardi group’s first published paper on the subject. Around 7 in the evening, he looked at the monitor for the experiment. Something didn’t look right. The temperature was increasing rapidly. He wasn’t sure what to do. Should he kill the experiment, and if so, how would he stop it?

A rapidly increasing temperature in an enclosed steel container could be a big, big problem. He was afraid. He wondered whether he should leave the building. Instead he called Focardi in Milano—at 2 in the morning—and asked, “What should I do?” This was before Piantelli knew about the poisoning effect of deuterium. But Focardi came up with a workable idea: introduce nitrogen. And it worked. It stopped the uncontrolled temperature rise and killed the experiment.

Piantelli didn’t know how hot the experiment had gotten before he killed it because the monitor eventually blacked out. However, the metal thermocouples inside the cell melted. This told him that the temperature exceeded 1450 C. Understandably, he was angry because these experiments take a long time to run and he had to abandon it prematurely.

“It’s not good when they run too hot,” Piantelli said. “400 C is a much better range.”

William Collis, the founder of the International Society for Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, questions Rossi’s ethics in his failure to tell the public and the media about Piantelli’s prior work.

“I find it disturbing that nobody mentioned Piantelli’s pioneering work in this field,” Collis wrote. “Worse still, yesterday’s financial daily, Il Sole 24 Ore (page 18), reporting on the seminar, referred erroneously to work done in Siena by Focardi & Rossi!!”


Jan 182011

By Francesco Celani

[New Energy Times received the following first-person report from Francesco Celani, a physicist with the Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, INFN (National Institute of Nuclear Physics). His report has been edited for clarity.]

On Jan. 14, I attended the demonstration of Andrea Rossi and Sergio Focardi’s experiment.

It took place in an industrial building, 10 kilometers from the city of Bologna.

Only people who received a personal invitation were able to attend it. Several security people were stationed around the hall and outside the building. About 40-50 people attended.

Several people were from the physics department of the University of Bologna, including the director. The director of the Bologna section of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics also attended, in a semi-official capacity.

The experiment started at about 15:30 and ended at about 16:45.

The measurement of energy emission was based on a modified flow calorimeter method (peristaltic pump, small size, about 10-20W of power). They warmed up the water to 102°C, pressurized vapor condition. I estimate that the experiment consumed 12-14 liters of water.

A researcher and technicians from the University of Bologna made all the measurements independently. Rossi only supervised key safety aspects.

The amount of the reactant wasn’t clear, but it could be a few grams. According to Rossi, it is a complex mixture of nickel and one or two secret additives, which are the key for the energy emission. All the material is in the state of nano-particles or colloid.

In the pressurized (about 2 atm) chamber, the volume is 1-2 liters; also inside are the cooling pipe and the reactants. Hydrogen gas was added continuously, at a low flow rate.

According to the authors, the trigger is only heat (at quite high temperatures: T>T_Curie of Nickel???). Other people speculated about ultrasound. The input power was 500-700W maximum.

My approximate calculation, assuming no thermal dissipation from the reactor, gives:

– Input Energy (3600s): (500–700 W)*3600=(1.8–2.52)MJ
– Output Energy to increase the water temperature of 90°C: 4.2* (102°C-12°C)=378 J/g
– Vaporization enthalpy, about 40.6kJ/mole water= 2633J/g
– Total energy (with 13 liter of water vaporized)= 378+2633=3011J/g of water=>39.14MJ

The energy gain is a factor of 15-20, which is really large!

They also had a twin gamma ray detector assembled in order to detect e+e- annihilation. In this run, almost no such results were detected.

Focardi was confident that they were going to get large amounts of such signal, as in previous experiments. This time, the counts were close to background for coincidences, and only some uncorrelated signal was over background.

I brought my own gamma detector, a battery-operated 1.25″ NaI(Tl) with an energy range=25keV-2000keV. I measured some increase of counts near the reactor (about 50-100%) during operation, in an erratic (unstable) way, with respect to background.

I decided to change the gamma detector from “counts” to “spectra” mode. After a few minutes, Rossi realized that I was trying to identify something secret inside the reactor. I was forced to stop the measurements.

The discussion, mostly scientific and even a heated debated about the details, lasted up to 18:45. Some Italian newspaper made an on-line report of the whole experiment (over 3h). The [RAI-TV] government television report still isn’t available.

Jan 152011

The buzz today is Andrea Rossi’s recent public demonstration in the Physics Department of the University of Bologna, Italy, of a nickel-hydrogen low-energy nuclear reaction device that purportedly produced excess heat.

The original nickel-hydrogen LENR research was developed by Francesco Piantelli, of Siena, Italy. Piantelli was not involved in the recent Rossi demonstration. I have visited Piantelli twice in his lab, and many of the images on the New Energy Times home page are photos I took there.

In July 2008, New Energy Times #29, I reported in great depth on the virtue of the Piantelli et al. nickel-hydrogen LENR research in two articles, Deuterium and Palladium Not Required, Piantelli-Focardi Publication and Replication Path.

I reported how the group’s papers had been published in prestigious peer-reviewed journals and how they successfully responded to challenges by skeptics at CERN, the European center for high-energy physics research. I reported how this experimental design offered liberation from palladium and deuterium. Furthermore, this type of experiment had produced far more energy (heat), not merely power, than many other LENR experiments to date.

Many American LENR researchers were skeptical, I suspect because successful Ni-H LENR technology would make their palladium-deuterium research projects irrelevant. Ni-H also, of course, disproves the hypothesis of “cold fusion,” which is bad news for some LENR researchers.

Piantelli told me that he has known for many years that this type of experiment is inexplicable by the hypothesis “cold fusion.” He is well aware of the abundant heavy- element transmutations he and his colleagues have seen.

Eventually, a few Americans quietly began asking for my assistance to make contact with Piantelli, probably because he is a hard man to reach. I do not know whether they succeeded. American Michael Melich, affiliated with the Naval Postgraduate School and with the Naval Research Laboratory, is on Rossi’s team of advisers.

For the last year or so, Rossi has been pumping the Web and rumor mill with bold claims, distributing documents with serious ambiguities, and appearing to sell a questionable energy device. This is a shame because the underlying technology and potential energy is real and important.

I have examined in scientific papers and experimental data by Piantelli, the claims of excess heat, evidence of nuclear emissions and transmutations to my satisfaction.

What has occurred now? Has Rossi developed a functional understanding of this LENR system? I think he has.

But the time-honored question to ask in all situations like this is, What is the total energy balance? Anybody who gets excited about this public demonstration without such information is vulnerable to deception. The next questions to ask are, Exactly how has the energy been measured? And by whom?

A power measurement – without the total energy balance – is virtually meaningless. Without answers to these questions, this experiment and demonstration could easily be a scam. Sadly, I have been a first-hand witness to deceptions.

The red flags with Rossi have been up for months.

In October 2010, a New Energy Times reader in Italy sent the following to me:

“I imagine you are aware that Rossi’s patent [application] has been [partially] rejected in a preliminary report by the patent examiner. Piantelli also published a new WIPO patent [application] a few months ago too.

“I wish Rossi well in his endeavors although I also feel he’s claiming as an invention merely the scaling up of Piantelli’s pioneering work. Any working devices ought to be good news for mankind regardless [of] who discovered what first. If anything works, we will all get some share of the glory (and perhaps profits?).”

Today, another New Energy Times reader in Italy sent the following to me:

“Pay close attention to Andrea Rossi; he has a dirty past. Twenty years ago he was arrested for illegal importing of gold from the Swiss.

“Not only that, but in the 1980s he was involved in a scam with industrial waste. It is a complex thing to explain, but the scam cost the Lombardy region € 25 million. He honestly does not convince me as a person, and I am not convinced about the test done at Bologna today.

“Check this link:

“In friendship, I suggest you be careful, I smell something burning.”

According to the link, in 1995, Rossi was jailed for conspiracy to engage in tax fraud for his involvement in a business that was trading precious materials between Switzerland and Italy.

Jan 142011

By Steven B. Krivit

Journal of Nuclear Physics? Really?

– A web site registered in California by a secret entity.
– A “journal” that is not a journal but a blog.
– A blog name that resembles the (real) former Soviet Journal of Nuclear Physics.
– A virtual “editor” comprised of a “team of scientists.”
– A “team of scientists” who’s only active participant appears to be Andrea Rossi.
– A “10 kW module reactor” that is anybody’s guess.

Record of e-mail exchange, Jan. 12, 2011:
Dear Editor,
Who is the editor of JONP?
Thank you,
Steven B. Krivit
Editor, New Energy Times
The editor of JONP is a team of scientists who finance the Journal.
We have no owner and we are a free association. We publish for free
all the papers that our Board Of Advisers deems scientifically valid
and we do not accept advertising to remain completely independent.
Warm regards,
JONP, The Board Of Advisers
To whom am I speaking please?
I am writing on behalf of the board of advisers,
Andrea Rossi

From the JONP Web site:

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