Krivit ICCF-25 Widom-Larsen LENR Theory Lecture Video

Dec 282023

To all LENR researchers and fans: Please enjoy the video of my ICCF-25 presentation on the Widom-Larsen theory and follow-up discussions. I hope you find my work informative.

PART 1: Introduction
PART 2: Krivit Presentation at ICCF-25
PART 3: Discussion with Konrad Czerski
PART 4: Discussion with Robert Greenyer
PART 5: Discussion with David Nagel
PART 6: Summary

Edmund Storms, the most vociferous critic of the Widom-Larsen theory, did not participate in the conference in-person. If he did participate remotely, he elected not to speak during the available time in the question-and-answer portion. I have addressed his previous statements in this article.

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