National Ignition Facility: The Emperor of Laser Fusion Has No Clothes

Slide courtesy Jeffrey Friedberg, MIT
By Steven B. Krivit
Dec. 14, 2022
Look at the data. That’s what science is about.
A fusion device that loses 99% of the energy it consumes, after decades of experimental effort, and billions of dollars spent, does not provide evidence of a potential source of energy. Congress has been hoodwinked, again.
U.S. Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer: “astonishing scientific advance put us on the precipice of a future no longer reliant on fossil fuels but instead powered by new clean fusion energy.”
U.S. Senator Jack Reed: “promising breakthrough … help fuel a brighter clean energy future for the United States and humanity.”
U.S. Senator Alex Padilla: “monumental scientific breakthrough … a milestone for the future of clean energy.”
U.S. Representative Eric Swalwell: “this breakthrough … enable progress toward new ways to power our homes and offices in future decades.”
Moreover, a claimed energy solution that is dependent on a fuel (tritium) that does not exist in nature is not a viable energy source.
NIF was never intended for energy research; only defense. Senator Pete Domenici warned members of Congress in 2005.