Industrial Heat Says Goodbye to Rossi

Andrea Rossi mesmerizes Swedish physics professors Hanno Essén and Sven Kullander. He convinces them that massive amounts of steam are coming out of his E-Cat.
April 8, 2016 – By Steven B. Krivit –
Industrial Heat LLC, a North Carolina company affiliated with Cherokee Investment Partners LLC, issued a statement yesterday rejecting the claims made in a lawsuit filed on April 5, 2016, by Andrea Rossi, a convicted white-collar criminal with a string of failed energy ventures.
In the statement, Industrial Heat said that it “has worked for over three years to substantiate the results claimed by Mr. Rossi from the E-Cat technology — all without success.”
Darden’s statement conflicts directly with Rossi’s recent blog post statements that the one-year test was successful and that a positive independent report will be released soon.
Six months ago, on Sept. 27, 2015, Thomas Francis Darden II, the manager, president, and director of Industrial Heat, told Fortune magazine something different. “Rossi’s was one of the first investments we made,” Darden said. “We’ve been seeing the creation of isotopes and energy releases at relatively low temperatures — 1,000 degrees centigrade — which could be a sign that fusion has occurred.” Darden also encouraged prudence.
“Cold fusion has such a checkered past,” Darden said, “and is so filled with hypesters and people with a gold-rush, get-rich-quick mentality. We need to be calm, prudent and not exaggerate.”
A few weeks later, on Oct. 9, 2015, journalist Lauren K. Ohnesorge, of the Triangle Business Journal, reported that Rossi’s E-Cat “uses cold fusion to generate large amounts of green energy cheaply.” Darden was her source.
Ohnesorge said, “Darden sees it as an alternative to the coal plants pumping pollutants into the sky.”
She reported that Darden says “his team is ‘increasingly interested’ in funding [Rossi’s] work.”
Darden’s recent claim that, throughout the past three years, he’s seen no successful results is inconsistent with his definitive statement six months ago that he was seeing the creation of isotopes and energy release.
Darden complained to Ohnesorge that people were targeting him with “online vitriol” for endorsing and promoting Rossi.
The reason for the vitriol was that people had read the investigations, beginning with New Energy Times on June 16, 2011, revealing Rossi’s past as a convicted fraudster and a toxic polluter.
People had read about Rossi’s multiple obvious errors and heat-measurement tricks. They had seen the videos. They also had read about Rossi’s handling of isotopic samples in tests that were supposed to be independent.

Thomas Darden of Industrial Heat and Cherokee Investment Partners
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