Tomorrow: 2001 Oak Ridge Nuclear Cavitation Confirmation Uncovered

Oak Ridge Nuclear Cavitation Confirmation
July 17, 2013 – By Steven B. Krivit –
Tomorrow, New Energy Times begins publishing the first of a 12-part series of articles that compose the New Energy Times special report “2001 Oak Ridge Nuclear Cavitation Confirmation Uncovered.”
Our report turns part of the history of nuclear cavitation on its head. What has been reported — until now — as a failure by Dan Shapira and Michael Saltmarsh to confirm the nuclear cavitation work of Rusi Taleyarkhan and his group at Oak Ridge National Laboratories was actually a confirmation.
In 2012, New Energy Times obtained the full set of internal ORNL technical reports that reveal the events that took place behind the scenes. We also obtained live video footage of nuclear cavitation experiments performed at Oak Ridge in 2003. (A previously released video is shown below.) Together with a brief telephone interview we conducted with Shapira, the facts shed new light on one of the most heated science controversies in the past decade.
We will publish each part over the next 12 days. Part 1 will be viewable for free; the remaining parts will be for subscribers only.
“Sound of Neutrons” – 2001 Video of Nuclear Cavitation Experiment at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.