Canadian Environmental Authorities Seize Evidence From Russ George

Canadian Authorities Seize Evidence From George’s Offices
April 10, 2013 – By Steven B. Krivit –
On March 27, two days before the Canadian Broadcasting Corp.’s “Fifth Estate” program about former LENR researcher Russ George aired (See New Energy Times article: “U.S. Businessman Takes First Nation People for $2.5 Million.”), officers from Environment Canada entered George’s Haida Salmon Restoration Corp. offices with a search warrant and seized evidence, according to George.
CBC-TV reported that George had violated international treaties and may have violated Canadian law. The broadcast said that Canadian authorities had issued a search warrant.
At the time the program aired two days later, according to one of the producers, CBC-TV did not know that the authorities had been to George’s office.
On March 27, according to a dramatic written account (archive copy) on Russ George’s latest Web site, officers from Environment Canada, which is the country’s equivalent of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, entered the Haida Salmon Restoration Corp. building and took evidence.
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Story headline and image on Russ George’s Web site. Image of officers in riot gear outside a white-brick building was not taken outside Russ George’s building.
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