Updates to the New Energy Times Conferences Pages

Jan 142013

Jan. 14, 2013 – By Steven B. Krivit –

New Energy Times has completed a major update and reorganization of our indexes of low-energy nuclear reaction meetings and conference proceedings.

There are two index pages:

LENR Conference Proceedings and LENR Conferences, Symposia and Colloquia Listings.

Three major LENR conference series regularly produce proceedings: International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (a.k.a. International Conference on Cold Fusion), Russian Conference on Cold Nuclear Transmutation of Chemical Elements and Ball Lightning, and the annual meeting of the Japan CF Research Society. In Italy, William Collis has organized an excellent and regular LENR conference series for many years but usually without publishing either electronic or printed proceedings. The U.S. does not have its own regular regional LENR conference.

The Conference Proceedings index provides access to electronic versions of proceedings, as we have been able to obtain them. Otherwise, for printed proceedings, we list the publication information. For some of these missing electronic versions of proceedings, we have borrowed printed editions and scanned the front matter and table of contents of the proceedings to help researchers know what papers may exist. To scan full printed proceedings requires cutting the binding. If anyone would like to donate copies of printed proceedings for which we do not have electronic copies, we will cut their bindings, scan them into electronic documents, and make them publicly available. Where we were not able to provide even a table of contents, we attempted to provide abstracts.

The Conference Listings index is an attempt to provide a centralized listing of all LENR-related conferences, symposia and colloquia. New Energy Times began collecting this kind of material in 2003. Thus, the index represents this timeframe and onward. This index lists the basic metadata of the conferences and provides hyperlinks to individual pages for each event. In the individual conference pages, where possible we provide access to conference programs, press releases, slides, papers, and conference audio and video recordings. In many cases, we have significant amounts of material from events; in other cases, we have very little or none.

Our completion of this update comes at a profound time. On Jan. 11, Aaron Swartz, 26, an Internet genius and activist for open science, committed suicide as a result of, among other things, consequences of his beliefs in and support of open science. He believed that publicly funded scientific literature should be freely available to the public, which paid for that research. So do we.


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