ICCF-17 Abstracts Unavailable to Public

Sep 212012

Sept. 21, 2012 – By Steven B. Krivit –

Note: New Energy Times is working on several exciting scientific news articles that will publish next week. Meanwhile, here is an open letter we just sent to ICCF-17 conference chairmen Sunwon Park and Frank Gordon.

Sept. 21, 2012

Open Letter to ICCF-17 Conference Chairmen Sunwon Park and Frank Gordon:

The 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion took place Aug. 12-17. However, you did not make the abstracts publicly available before the conference. As of my phone conversation with one of you (Gordon) yesterday, you had not made the abstracts publicly available.

In the phone call, I specifically asked you (Gordon) for the abstracts. At first, you told me that you did not “know if the abstracts were ever compiled and distributed” to the attendees. I asked you how a scientific conference could take place without advance publication of abstracts. You responded that, instead of publishing abstracts, you distributed pre-prints of all papers and provided those pre-prints to attendees on a memory stick. However, in a previous conversation, you stated to me that you did not intend to release the pre-prints of these papers publicly.

In our phone call yesterday, I asked you if you personally had a copy of just the abstracts that you could release to me for publication on New Energy Times. You said that you did have a copy of the abstracts but that you didn’t “know if they are in the proper form to distribute,” and you declined my request.

I also sent an e-mail to you (Park) yesterday and asked for copies of the abstracts. I received no reply.

I request that you publicly release the abstracts. I also request an explanation for your surprising decision to keep this science information from the public.

Please note that some of the authors had provided PDF copies of their abstracts, slides and paper pre-prints to New Energy Times, and we began publishing these on our Web site on Aug. 10.

Best regards,

Steven B. Krivit

Publisher and Senior Editor, New Energy Times


Related News Stories
Aug. 10: 17th International Conference on “Cold Fusion” Next Week
Aug. 17:  ICCF-17 Update and News

Questions? Comments? Submit a Letter to the Editor.

Sept. 21, 2012, 2:30 pm

Dear Mr. Krivit,

Sorry for the late reply. I came back home late from my business trip last night.
Attached you will find the file of the ICCF-17 program and abstracts.

Best regards,

Sunwon Park

Sept. 21, 2012, 2:35 pm

Dear Readers,

Abstracts are now available here.


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