Report #5: Rossi’s Profitable Career in Science

Mar 072012

Many people who have followed the story of Andrea Rossi and his Energy Catalyzer are aware that Rossi’s claims are poorly supported by scientific facts, yet these people can’t imagine how Rossi intends to profit from this deception.

According to Rossi, his device produces commercially practical levels of excess heat through a nuclear process. Many people are aware that the amount of steam produced in Rossi’s device, as shown in a video from Ny Teknik and a video from New Energy Times, is inconsistent with the amount of steam Rossi claims his device should make.

June 14, 2011: Giuseppe Levi, professor of physics at the University of Bologna, holds up black T-shirt to help make the extraordinary amounts of steam exiting from the Energy Catalyzer visible on camera. Detail photo of steam shown on the right.

The rate of steam emanating from the first version of Rossi’s device is exactly the rate of steam that would be produced by the electricity Rossi feeds into the system. In the second version of his device, Rossi located thermocouples in the wrong place even though he was an expert with such devices. (See related New Energy Times stories here and here.)

People who have followed Rossi’s Energy Catalyzer story know that he has claimed to have a market-ready device since January 2011 but that he has failed to show evidence of delivery of any such device. Nevertheless, some people have been impressed with his confidence and the credibility he has obtained through his association with members of the scientific community.

These people have also been impressed with the fact that Rossi has entered into discussions with prestigious companies such as National Instruments and institutions such as NASA. Although Rossi has managed to get his foot in the door, none of those discussions has led to research agreements. Rossi has, however, used those discussions to boost his credibility.

Followers of the Rossi story ask, “What is Rossi’s endgame? If the Energy Catalyzer doesn’t work, how could he stand to profit?” This analysis will answer these questions.

This analysis will also explain the real motive for Rossi’s 13 public demonstrations of the E-Cat.

Click here to go to report.

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