Will Cold Fusioneers Catch the Last Wave?

Dec 302011

By “Greg from Tennessee”

It seems as though the tide is turning towards the concepts of weak interactions and collective effects and away from the three miracles that have always been assumed by the cold fusioneers (to steal Lewis Larsen’s phrase).

It looks like at least some LENR researchers may be trying to catch one of the last waves before the tide leaves them out at sea. If they can gain acceptance by marrying their old terminology with Larsen’s theories, after years of suppressing his theories for fear of the destruction of theirs, then maybe they can stay relevant.

What is so sad is that many of these folks did some good work in the past showing impressive evidence of excess heat but could never explain it. Many of these people are brilliant! If more of them had simply been willing to stay open minded in 2005, when a serious explanation had been given, especially since they had not found sound explanations themselves, the discipline would have been far ahead of where it is today. In such a scenario, they would have all been in the mix moving forward. I don’t understand the decision by many of them to stay in denial so long when nothing long-term could possibly have been gained from it. It’s not too late for these folks, but they’re going to have to renounce the concept of fusion and start looking at other possibilities.

You can only omit, suppress, and deceive for so long when your ideas, theories, and philosophies have no possible way of moving the science forward. Eventually, the scientific community, sponsors, and funding agencies will see that you’ve made no progress. The resource-holders will start looking at fresh concepts to explain phenomena. I think that’s where we’re headed.

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