Fleischmann: It Must be Neutrons (2009)

Dec 292011

Telephone Interview Conducted June 3, 2009


Martin Fleischmann: It seemed to me that calling it fusion drew attention to the type of process which it could be, you see. It seemed reasonable to call it that at that time.

Steven B. Krivit: I suppose there was nothing else, to your awareness, from which to categorize it?

MF: Yes, it seems reasonable to have called it that, but perhaps one shouldn’t have called it that.

SK: Yeah, that seems understandable. I was wondering whether you had a chance to catch wind of the ideas in the last few years about neutron-catalyzed reactions?

MF: Yes, it must be. You know, the neutron is not very strongly bound in deuterium so maybe there is some substance to those thoughts.



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