Letter from Keith Owens of Cold Fusion Energy, Inc.

Aug 262011

Received via e-mail today:

Dear 60 Minute Producer,

Since you done the story on “Cold Fusion is Hot Again” back in April 2009.  Cold fusion has come a long way with new research in “Accepted Notion of Neutron’s Electrical Properties Overturned by New Research” and “Terahertz Difference Frequency Response of PdD in Two-Laser Experiments”.  On January 14 an Italian inventor Andrea Rossi announced the first working cold fusion generator (E-Cat).  What is based on Francesco Piantellipatents.NUCATwill be holding classes on cold fusion in Anticipation the 1MW DEMO.  One of the speakers at NUCAT is Dr. Michael McKubre who was in the original Cold Fusion is Hot Again along with two from Naval Research Laboratory and Dr. Peter Hagelstein from MIT is also an speaker at World Green Energy Symposium in October 19-21 in Philadelphia.  Cold Fusion Energy, Inc. is the event coordinator for the Cold Fusion Community on three different levels. One to present for three days the cold fusion community work in a booth, two the coordination to have four speakers at WGES, and they are Keith Owens, Dr. Peter Hagelstein, Dr. George Miley and Li Xing-Zhong, three is to be prepared the biggest chance for funding to help the cold fusion community.

“Apparently, the major journals are still not willing to get ahead of the parade and admit they were wrong in the past.  I think CF provides a diagnostic tool to test just how dysfunctional the major journals have become.  When a subject as important as CF is not taken seriously in spite of overwhelming evidence, something is very wrong.  We will next see what Phys. Rev. has to say.  Of course, once Rossi completes his demonstration and people wake up to the reality, these journals will be begging for papers.  At that point, the reality will be obvious to any idiot, which is well below the standard we all expect from editors of journals.”By Edmund Storms

Keith Owens
Cold Fusion Energy, Inc.
955 Massachusetts Avenue #440
Cambridge, MA 02139

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