Sterling Allan: Arm-in-Arm with Andrea Rossi

Nov 102011

Sterling Allan, the “CEO” of a free energy Web site called Pure Energy Systems – which purports to be a news source – is seeking a business relationship with “Energy Catalyzer” promoter Andrea Rossi.
Andrea Rossi and Sterling Allan

Fox News, MSNBC, Wired and other mainstream media outlets based their recent stories on Rossi on information they obtained from Allan.

Swedish-American Peter Svensson, a technology journalist with the Associated Press went to see the Rossi show but either he or his editors decided against writing a story on Rossi’s extraordinary device.
Peter Svensson and Sterling Allan

The Rossi spectacle owes much of its success to the promotional journalism by Swedish technology journalist Mats Lewan of Ny Teknik.
Sterling Allan and Mats Lewan

From Allan’s Web site: “I am seeking a business relationship with Andrea Rossi. My trip was sponsored by Farlie Paynter of Canada, as well as by Mike Spitzauer, CEO of Green Power Inc (GPI), the Waste-to-Diesel Fuel company in Pasco, Washington.”(Source image)

From Allan’s Web site: “If you are a qualified and serious customer, you can contact Leonardo Corporation (Rossi’s company), and reserve your spot in line for one of these plants. By being one of the first customers in the world to purchase a one megawatt E-Cat plant, you will be showing your savvy and refined business sense, which led you to purchase the most attractive energy production method on the planet.

“Your dedication to helping move human civilization forward, into a new scientific era. The introduction of the E-Cat technology will be a sign that humanity can engineer a solution to any problem we have. There is no longer anything that is impossible!” (Source image)

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